Novi Sad – SERBIA


  1. Februara 2020. u Novom Sadu na velikom platou Spensa održaće se peto po redu urbano snowboard i ski takmičenje City Jam. Ovog puta takmičari će pokazati svoje najsvežije trikove i osvojiti vredne novčane nagrade na elementu poznatom među borderima širom Evrope kao novosadski Double Kink Rail.

Mnogi su se evropski snowboarderi i skijaši kroz godine susreli sa kultnim novosadskim double kink rejlom na Spensu. Rejl je izuzetno dugačak, zabavan ali i zahtevan, a sa svojih 17 metara svakako premašuje dužinu prosečnog street rejla i jedan je od najdužih rejlova na bilo kom evropskom snowboard i ski takmičenju. Vozačima svakako predstavlja veliki izazov, a ko uspe da ukroti ovu gvozdenu zver ističe se među takmičarima i zavređuje poštovanje.


Može se reći da je onaj vozač koji dođe do kraja Spensovog rejla u bilo kojem triku, zapravo, pobednik takmičenja, ali to će već odlučiti sudije i publika!

Svi su dobrodošli! Pozvani ste!

Subota 01.02.2020. na platou Spensa i ujedno najvećoj ski i snowboard stazi napravljenoj na prostorima Vojvodine, takmičiće se najistaknutiji skijaši i borderi iz istočne Evrope i regiona. Prijave za CityJam takmičenje su i dalje u toku na sajtu, te su svi ljubitelji ovih sportova dobrodošli. Najbolji takmičari dobiće vredne nagrade, a posetioci priliku da uživaju u umeću i vratolomijama najboljih predstavnika zimskih sportova.

17:00 Kvalifikacije City Jam
18:00 Ceremonija otvaranja
18:10 Polufinale City Jam
19:00 Finale City Jam
20:00 Proglašenje pobednika

Nakon novosadskog takmičenja borderi i skijaši se sele na more gde će im domaćin takmičenja biti riječki CSS koji se održava 08.02.2020. Svi vozači koji se takmiče u Rijeci i u Novom Sadu će se boriti za zasebnu nagradu u overall kategoriji za najboljeg na Balkanu.


Why Take Part?

What up guys!

Long time no see 🙂

We are very happy to invite You to yet another urban snow spectacle we like to call City Jam!

It will be held on Saturday 01. of February 2020. in Novi Sad, Serbia.



We know you missed us and that you were wondering where the f@%# are these guys, and we missed you too! <3

Well, due to Global Warming and operational details , we have come to realize that it is best that this season’s competition be held a little bit later (take a pen out, write it down, yes: 01. February 2020). We sincerely hope you don’t mind the delay.

We are proud to do this for five years in a row and could not have done it without you – mad props!!


So… “What’s good”, you ask?  😉

This year we have a new concept of competition. After a lot of thought we decided – we are only riding ONE RAIL!!!!

Yes, you guessed it. The big Double Kink Rail !!

It has become legendary in it’s own right in this part of Europe and many great stories revolve around this rail.

Our dear friend  Vid Barić even wrote a paragraph or two about it:

“It is certainly the lengthiest double kink rail on any European snowboard competition, that presents a challenge to riders and gains them a reputation.”

 -Check out the full text in the attachment!!-

Snowboarders and Skiers are all very welcome to come to Novi Sad, Spens to compete for a prize pool of 1100€


Here is a great big opportunity for all you rail lovers to display some of  your rail – shredding skills 😉

The idea came from a similar contest ten years ago, where some of you have been:



The contest will be held on Saturday 01. February 2020.

We believe that this will be a good date as the Rijeka Carnival Snowboard Session is just a week away – 08. 02. 2020. You get one free overnight accommodation  01. February / 02. February, but we warmly invite you to come one or two days before and stay for the weekend or as long as you want! We plan to have a blast with you as usual, on some of the craziest parties Novi Sad nightlife has to offer. If you know what we mean 😉 😉

 This also gives us the opportunity to invite you to spend the week between the two events in Serbia’s best ski resorts – Kopaonik, Brezovica or Jahorina and have 3 or 4 days more on the snow before going to Rijeka.

For now this is just an idea that we can work on if you are interested.

It is important to know that anybody can apply for the post – tour, they don’t have to be a City Jam competitor. 🙂


Registrations are now open!

Spread the word!

In our experience many good riders have missed out on this amazing event

due to our limited reach. A word or two, here and there, would be greatly appreciated.

Share the idea, tell a friend. It’s not about who wins, it’s how hard we party! :))

Register Today!  Applications to be submitted at LINK 

Application deadline:

Final – 16. January 2020.

Note: Please register on time because the number of competitors is limited!!

Attached you will find your invitation with additional information.

We invite you to see more at our pages: and/or City Jam FB Page

After we receive your registration you will get a follow-up email with detailed information.


A little reminder video from last year, to get the juices going!! 🙂


We wish you all the best in the competition and in the upcoming holidays :))

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Looking forward to seeing you again!!

Park Design


1st place: 700€

2nd place: 300€

3rd place: 100€


AvalancheRiskCityJam (Novi Sad – Serbia) + CarnivalSnowboardSession (Rijeka – Croatia) are fusing!

All contestants riding on both CityJam@NoviSad – 01.02.2020. and CSS@Rijeka – 08.02.2020. will have a chance to compete in overall category for a bonus prize.


How to register

All applications will be submitted to the Association “Fresh Hill” by filling this online form located on the site under PRIJAVE bar on main menu.

The number of participants is limited, so we expect to receive your application on time!
Application deadline: 16.01.2020.

No registration fee.

Contest package including

  • Free overnight for all contestants: 01/02.02.2020. in Avalanche Risk CITY JAM HOUSE
  • Meal and drinks on the day of contest
  • Free entrance at events official after party
  • Swimming pool entrance
  • Skate ring entrance
  • City tour excursion
  • …and more and more…


CITY HOSTEL will be turned into AvalancheRisk HOUSE for this weekend

If you want to book additional overnights or a place for friends or family (on your own cost), please contact hostel CITY directly at the following: +381 (21) 64 47 208 Free viber, whatsapp: +381605055759 /

Specify that you are AvalancheRiskCITY-JAM contestants.

Past Expiriences


AvalancheRisk CITY JAM 2015

AvalancheRisk CITY JAM 2015


AvalancheRisk CITY JAM 2016

AvalancheRisk CITY JAM 2016


Wake up.

kick ass.